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Home » Sloth Cafe Hosts a Café Experience at the Brave Kids Halloween Party!

Sloth Cafe Hosts a Café Experience at the Brave Kids Halloween Party!

On November 3rd, a public holiday Friday, Sloth Cafe was closed, but the cafe’s manager, who also leads the organization “Brave Kids,” dedicated to supporting siblings and families, hosted a Halloween party. During this event, the siblings, referred to as “kyoudai” in Japanese, were given the chance to experience what it’s like to be staff at Sloth Cafe.

These siblings took orders from their moms, dads, and other siblings, operated the cash register including handling electronic money, and served coffee and spice curry, enjoying the staff experience. There were some unexpected surprises when unforeseen guests arrived, but it all added to a fun Halloween.

What is Brave Kids? Brave Kids supports families where one of the children has a disability. Often in these families, a lot of attention is given to the child with the disability, unintentionally overlooking the needs of the other children. These healthy siblings may end up trying too hard to be good and patient from a very young age. Brave Kids was established with the goal of creating opportunities for these siblings to be in the spotlight, even if just a few times a year.

A special thanks to Daisy for providing sweets every year for the siblings at Brave Kids.

(Tetsuro Okada)


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